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Mario Katić, PI  








Mario Katić is an Associate Professor at the University of Zadar, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology. His main areas of interest are pilgrimage, folklore and death studies, urban anthropology and methodology of research. He is co-editor of Pilgrimage, Politics and Place-making in Eastern Europe (Routledge, 2014), Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in Southeast Europe (Lit Verlag, 2014), Military Pilgrimage and Battlefield Tourism (Routledge, 2017) and author of Death in Dalmatian Hinterland (Naklada Ljevak, 2017). Since 2018 he is the PI of the Croatian part of the project Competition in a Post-conflict Landscape (NSF), and from 2020 he is the PI of the project Adriatic Maritime Pilgrimages in Local, National and Transnational Context (Croatian Science Foundation).


Mirela Hrovatin, associate researcher 








Mirela Hrovatin finished an MA in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and English Language and Literature in 2005, and PhD in the subfield of the Anthropology of Religion in 2015 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. As an Ethnologist and Cultural Anthropologist she has been working since 2006 in the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia on the safeguarding of cultural heritage, especially intangible cultural heritage. She has prepared more than 100 inscriptions of intangible cultural elements into the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia, as well as about 20 nominations of intangible elements for the inscription on the UNESCO's intangible heritage world lists (Representative and Urgent, as well as Register of Good Practices). From 2011 until 2015 she was a representative of the Republic of Croatia in UNESCO's Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage for SE Europe in Bulgaria. From 2016 until 2018 she taught at the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb an undergraduate course she designed on cultural-anthropological approaches to personal religious practices as the first Ethnologist and Cultural Anthropologist at that Faculty. Since 2018 she has taught also an independently designed course on safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. She is a member of the international network of pilgrimage research EASA PILNET, international association of SEE anthropologists INASEA, Croatian Ethnological Society and Croatian Mariological Institute of the Faculty of Theology, and she received a student reward “Franjo Markovic” of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Karmen Turčinov, associate researcher


Karmen Turčinov has enrolled her postgraduate studies in the field of humanities at the University of Zadar in 2010. During her studies she has participated in several scientific and expert meetings while her participation included reports on annual scientific and expert gatherings of the Croatian Ethnological Society: Ethnology and commercialization of traditional culture in Zagreb, June 1, 2012, and on the gathering of postgraduate students of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology with the report named "Perception, behaviour and action of women in everyday life of patriarchal island societies" at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, December 6, 2012. She has defended her PhD thesis with the title: "Patriarchal relations of power and their subversion in the culture of the island of Murter and Kornati" within the time period from mid-19 century till mid-20 century in Zadar on April 16, 2015. The journal Etnologica Dalmatica 23 in 2016 has published her original scientific paper Hard working women at the sea-step out from the gender-determined role. She has participated in the project: Action plan for sustainable usage of natural resources within the region of Murter, Vrana-Murter-Kornati which was co-founded by the Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the topic of patriarchal gender relations in the region of the island of Murter and Kornati and published by the Argonauta Association in 2016. The author's book based on the doctorate is in the process of being published by the University of Zadar. She participates on a regular basis in the journal Spektar, the school journal of the Natural Sciences and Graphic Design High School in Zadar. In the time period between 2010 and 2017, she has conducted several expert workshops at the Department of Ethnology of the National Museum in Zadar as well as in the City Museum of Samobor with the participants ranging in from pre-school to student age.

Adriana Pojatina , PhD student 






In 2019, Adriana Pojatina completed a graduate two-subject university study of Ethnology and Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Zadar. During her undergraduate studies she was a member of the research student project "Life of Croats in Novi Travnik, BiH" which resulted in the work "When young people are not a priority in the city of youth" in the monograph "Novi Travnik between utopia and nostalgia" (ed. Mario Katic and Velimir Bugarin ). During her graduate studies, she was a member of the research team of the student project "Contemporary contexts of traditional culture of Croats from Vareš, BiH". Her graduate thesis "Between Life and Death: Aging and Dying in Vareš, BiH" is based on the latter research. In 2019, she enrolled in the postgraduate study "Humanities" at the University of Zadar, in the field of Ethnology and Anthropology and employed as an assistant on the HRZZ project "Adriatic Maritime Pilgrimages in Local, National and Transnational Context" (PIGRIMAR) at the Department of Ethnology and anthropology of the University of Zadar.

Petra Valovičić, PhD student 

Petra Valovičić completed in 2016 a graduate single-subject university study of cultural heritage and tourism, and in 2011 an undergraduate double-subject study of ethnology and anthropology and sociology at the University of Zadar. During her graduate studies, she founded Antropop - an association of anthropologists and ethnologists with the aim of networking, creating a platform for work, and popularizing these sciences. She held the position of president of the association for two terms and organized a number of activities, mainly in the field of visual culture. She is the co-author of the monograph of KUD Sv. Roko from Sv. Filip i Jakov titled KUD Sv. Roko: Osluhni nutarnje zvono / Listen to the inner bell (ed. Katica Burić Ćenan), as well as the author of the Ethnographic Collection installation in Kolan on the island of Pag. In 2020, she began to work as an assistant on the Croatian Science Foundation’s project 'Junior researchers career development project – Education of novice Doctors of Science' (PILGRIMAR) at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Zadar and enrolled in postgraduate studies of Humanities at the University of Zadar, in the field of ethnology and anthropology.

Trpimir Vedriš, associate researcher  

Trpimir Vedriš is an Associate Professor at the Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and a visiting lecturer at the University of Dubrovnik. He has studied History and Ethnography at the University of Zagreb (BA 2001), philosophy at the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and obtained an MA in Medieval studies at the Department of Medieval studies at the Central European University in Budapest. He holds a PhD in history from Medieval Studies from the Central European University (2015). His research and teaching focus on medieval hagiography and the cult of the saints in the Adriatic, history of Christianity, Croatian medieval history and modern receptions of the Middle Ages.
He is the author of a monograph "Hagiografija i rani kult sv. Anastazije i sv. Krizogona u Zadru" (The Hagiography and Early Cult of Saint Anastasia and Saint Grisogono in Zadar) (Hagiotheca – Leykam, 2019). Among his recent relevant publications are two edited volumes: Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire (co-edited with D. Dzino and A. Milošević) (Brill, 2018) and Imperial Spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, the Carolingians and the Treaty of Aachen (812) (co-edited with M. Ančić and J. Shepard) (Routledge, 2018).
He is a member (and since 2019 also the president) of the Croatian Hagiography Society 'Hagiotheca' and editor of a series of proceedings of hagiographic conferences.






Ante Blaće works as an Associate Professor at the University of Zadar, Department of Geography since 2016. In 2008 he graduated Geography and History on the University of Zadar and in the following year he was employed at the University of Zadar, Department of Geography as a Research Assistant. He enrolled the PhD study at Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb in 2009 and in 2015 defended his PhD thesis on land use changes of the Ravni Kotari region. The focus of his scientific work is historical geography, particularly land use changes and landscape development. He has participated in several scientific and research projects: Geographical Basis of the Croatian Littoral Regions Development (2009-2014), Cultural Landscape as a Source of Knowledge about the Organization of Space (2012-2015), Made-In-Land – Management and Development of Inlands Areas (2018-ongoing). In 2011 he finished ArcGIS Desktop 1 and ArcGIS Desktop 2 courses and in 2016 Introduction to the language syntax R and its application in the basic statistical and graphical data analysis. Since 2015 he has been the technical editor of Geoadria scientific journal (indexed in Scopus since 2016 and WOS – ESCI since 2018) published by the University of Zadar.

Ante Blaće, associate researcher

Tomislav Klarin, associate researcher

Tomislav Klarin finished a Master’s Degree (MA) in Business Economics in 2005, after which he has been working in a few companies for several years. In 2011 he started to work as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Zadar, Department of Tourism and Communication Studies. He finished his PhD in Economics in 2017, and today works as an Assistant Professor at the same department. His PhD thesis relates to the destination management and sustainable tourism. His interests are focused on tourism, especially on its sustainable development, destination management and special interest tourism (such as cultural and religious tourism). His interests are also management in culture and financial and human resources management. As a member of the organization committees and as the author of the papers, he has participated in several tourism conferences. He published several expert and scientific papers in domestic and international journals. He has been improving working experience in the country and abroad and held several international lectures. He prepared and participated in various researches, workshops, summer schools, forums, panels, seminars etc., both with scientists and practitioners as well as with local communities. He was a team member of two projects funded by the European Union and participated in two development studies of a tourism destination.

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